• 1,586 Cities Served
  • 3,543 Completed Jobs
  • 2,162,361 Contractors
  • 248,631 Reviews

How It Works?

Don't waste time looking for Estimates, have contractors bid on your project

Create an Account

Create an account to communicate with contractors around you.

Post a Project

Use post a project wizard to create a project contractors can bid on.

Get Bids

Contractors bid on your project and give estimates.

Choose a Contractor

Review bids and their contractor and award the project to the one you choose.

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How Contractors Manage using Contractation?

Project Management shared between Customer, Contractor and all subcontractors.

Create a Project

Create project and assign customer, Or Import a Consumer requested Project from Contractation Marketplace

Create Tasks

Create tasks, required Time, Material, Labor and find licensed subcontractors for tasks if needed.

Track Progress

Subcontractors have access to their task and can update their progress.


Customer Reviews Contractor. Contractor Reviews Sub Contractors, and Contractor and Subcontractors review customers.